
Ottello Co

Shopify Dev


Conversion Rate Optimization

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Rapid & Accurate execution of your Shopify store project.

Or 110% of your money back

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Web store icon

New Store Creation

Together we walk through a process to make your dream site a reality.
Get a new store that delights your customers and inspires envy in your peers...
Rapidly, accurately and effortlessly.

Store migration magnet icon

Store Migration

You've decided it's time to upgrade to Shopify.
I will make your migration, effortless, rapid & accurate so you start showing-off (and reaping the rewards from) your new store ASAP.

Speedometer speed increase icon

Page Speed Optimization

Avoid losing customers and Google referrals by having a slow loading page!
Get your site speed optimized to improve sales, customer experience, and SEO.

Bulls-eye target conversion rate optimization icon

Conversion Rate Optimization

Your site has one purpose: sell your products and services.
Is it doing the best job it can?
A 1% CRO can increase weekly revenue by $1,000's or $100,000's.
Reach out & stop losing sales!

Let's Go!

Recent work

Hi, I'm Cameron Ottello, Shopify Developer & Business Nerd in California

I am an eCommerce FANATIC.

It's so bad, my wife gives me a daily "maximum word count" so I don't bore her to death about webstore projects I'm working on, and skills I'm learning.

This work has led me on a path to Shopify as the best tool to enable business growth and success for the SMBs I work with. I have worked internally and externally to help businesses increase sales and improve fulfillment processes.

Do you need a new webstore? Are you migrating to Shopify from a different platform? Or do you need to optimize your conversion rates to sell more with your existing site traffic? Are you looking to improve your SEO and customer satisfaction by tuning up your site load times?

What is your Dream Webstore? Are you thinking big enough?

About avatar

Alix Kai

Let's Get Started!

What is this "110% Money-Back Guarantee"?

"My 110% money-back guarantee is exactly what it sounds like.

If you are not satisfied with the work I have done for you, I will refund you 110% of your money.

For example, if after the first half of a project for some reason we decide we cannot move forward and I cannot satisfy your business need, if you have paid $1,000 so far, I will refund you $1,100.

You run a business and it's my job to help make you MORE PROFITABLE. Part of my commitment to that goal is to remove risk, and improve your outcomes with this guarantee.

I take on more of the risk, so you know I mean business.

Let's build great things together."

-Cameron Ottello

About avatar

Alix Kai

I'm In, Let's Go!


How much does it cost to get started?
How long will the work take from start to finish?
Do you offer other design services beside product design?
Do you offer website maintenance?
How will the discovery call be structured?


" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Ricardo Jones

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Jenny Watson

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Arlene Miles

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Nathan Nguyen